As mentioned, the question “How much does auto insurance cost in Florida” has hundreds of different answers. Each person will find a unique number depending on their own personal variables, such as:
- Age
- Gender
- Marital status
- Driving record
- Credit score
- Education
- Vehicle(s) covered
- Whether your vehicle is financed, leased, or paid in full
- ZIP Code
- Whether you own or rent your home
- Miles driven each year and the purpose of those miles (work commute, pleasure, etc.)
- How much coverage you want
Because of this, there’s no way to precisely tell you how much you can expect to pay for insurance in the state of Florida. At least, not without knowing your personal information. However, as we mentioned, the average cost of auto insurance in the Sunshine State is about $1,141 a year.
Let’s see if we can’t narrow that down a bit more, though. Below, we’ve taken four personality “profiles” and found quotes for each from various insurance providers. This allows us to give you a better idea of what you, based on your unique variables, can expect to pay for auto insurance coverage.
Our Subjects
We have four test subjects, each with unique personality profiles. All of them live in ZIP Code 32256, which is about average across the state. Keep in mind that cities like Miami, Tampa, and Daytona Beach could be potentially higher.
Subject number one is Little Timmy. He’s a stereotypical high-risk driver: a 22 year-old college student with two speeding tickets in the last three years. He has a financed 2012 Chevy Impala, drives about 15,000 miles a year, and has an apartment across town from campus.
Subject two are your typical 42-year-old parents. They have a mortgage on their average home, own a 2011 Chevrolet Equinox outright, and are still paying off their 2014 Toyota Sienna. They drive about 16,000 miles a year whilst carting their kids to and from soccer practice. Both are college graduates and have great credit, but Jane did rear-end someone a few years ago.
Next, we have Straight-Laced Sally. She’s a 35 year-old college graduate with a condo, 2010 Toyota Camry, and great credit. She drives about 10,000 miles a year and has had a perfectly clean driving record for the past decade.
Lastly, there’s Grandpa Joe, 65. He drives his 1998 Honda Civic about 8,000 miles a year, owns his home, and hasn’t had an accident or ticket since his 40s.
While you probably don’t perfectly match any of these profiles, there’s likely one that you can relate to more closely than the others. So, let’s take a look at how their monthly insurance premiums measure up in Florida, when looking for basic, state-minimum liability coverage.
Based on research quotes, we see that accidents/citations seem to have the biggest impact on auto insurance premiums, followed by the driver’s age.
Florida’s Unique Auto Insurance
Not every state is like Florida when it comes to auto insurance. Here are some ways the state stands out:
No-Fault State
Florida is a no-fault car insurance state. It’s one of only a few states in the country with this law, in fact.
Florida’s no-fault law means that the first $10,000 in medical claims stemming from any auto accident will come from the your own insurance company, regardless of who is at fault. This is thanks to the PIP (personal injury protection) aspect of your auto insurance policy, which protects you, your family members, and the passengers in your registered vehicle.
This allows for quick payouts in the case of an accident, as well as the potential for reduced premiums (in theory; Florida has some of the highest premiums in the country, though). Limitations on this coverage can deter litigation following an accident for damages above the state minimum.
In cases where an injury necessitates a payout higher than the minimum threshold, motorists can still sue. However, the no-fault law ensures that smaller, less serious injuries are paid out quickly and avoid being unnecessarily inflated.
Credit Is a Factor
Not every state allows insurance companies takes your credit history into account when calculating your auto insurance premiums. Florida, however, is one of the states that does.
Your credit history can affect the cost of your premiums in either direction, depending on how good (or bad) your credit history is. And if your credit is bad enough, you may even have trouble finding coverage with many companies.
So Is Location
Where you live in the state – and even within each city – can impact your premiums, as well. Depending on your ZIP Code, you may see your auto insurance rates rise or fall.
Your location won’t be the most impactful factor in your rates for coverage, of course. That honor goes to your driving record and whether or not you have a history of accidents and/or citations in the last 36 months. However, your address can and will play a role in how much you pay for auto insurance in Florida.
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